NASTA 2022 Update #2

It has certainly been a while since we graced you with an official NASTA update on the website! We are back, however, after some tricky technical issues prevented us from updated the website as often as we would have liked. Fortunately, we were able to use our Socials to keep you updated on all things NASTA. In this post, we would like to share the most important news from the last few weeks and inform you that the official registration is now open! Thank you for sticking with us, and to all of those who have pre-registered over the last few months!

First things first, you can now officially register for NASTA 2022 on the conference platform We used this platform last year and it worked so well that we are back. We would like to thank ARCHON for sponsoring NASTA for the second time, as this allows us to host the conference free of charge!

You can register on Hopin by clicking the trusty “Register Now!” button at the top of the page.

Previous news

If you have not been keeping up with our Socials, then you might not know that we have announced three exciting speakers to each give a lecture on the day of the conference, or that NASTA will publishing a peer-reviewed conference proceedings. Below you will find the social media posts in question: